Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Judicial events11 enero 2025 12:38

Rural worker kicked to death by cow he intended to rape.

A colleague found him next to a cow, and when he moved him, he saw a condom on his genitals, so it is presumed that he had tried to rape the cow and was kicked by the animal.

A 45-year-old man died after trying to rape a cow on a farm in the Laje da Jibóia Rural Nucleus, Samambaia, Brazil last Wednesday, January 8.

The man worked and lived on the farm. A co-worker told the police that on Tuesday, both had spent the day drinking. The next morning, around 5 a.m., the colleague noticed that his friend had already gotten up to milk two dairy cows.

The deceased took the milk to his boss and had breakfast with him before returning to the corral. When he was late returning, his co-worker decided to find out what was happening and, around 6:35 a.m., he found him unconscious next to a cow.

When he moved him, he saw a condom on his genitals and a package of condoms next to him, so it is presumed that he had tried to rape the cow and was kicked by the animal.

The farmer found his colleague without vital signs, with his eyes half open and a greenish secretion coming out of his nose.

The neighbors called the emergency services, whose doctors tried to revive the man, but after approximately one hour he was declared dead.