Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Judicial events02 agosto 2024 17:47

Teenager dies electrocuted while taking photos in Guatemala.

The discharge immobilized her, causing her decapitation and subsequent fall from a height of approximately six meters.

A 15-year-old teenager, identified as Débora Rebeca Xi Artola, tragically died when she was trapped in high-tension cables and suffered a strong electric shock while taking photos on the terrace of a home.

According to eyewitnesses and the report of local firefighters, the accident occurred on Thursday, August 1, in the El Centro neighborhood, zone 1 of the municipality of La Tinta, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala City.

Débora was on the terrace of a two-story house when she accidentally touched a high-tension cable. The discharge immobilized her, causing her to be immobilized, decapitated and subsequently fall from a height of approximately six meters.

Débora was on her way to a gymnastics rehearsal when she supposedly decided to take some photos on the terrace, without realizing the danger posed by the nearby high-tension cables.

The tragedy unfolded quickly, leaving those present shocked and the community in mourning.

Images of the incident have been widely shared on social media. and the incident has resonated in the media throughout Latin America.