Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Judicial events27 junio 2024 13:10

With flying kicks a man thwarts an assault by motochoros.

Although the criminals tried to assault the woman, they did not achieve their goal thanks to the intervention of this improvised hero.

This Tuesday morning, a couple of motorcycle riders tried to rob a woman, in the northwest region of Belo Horizonte in Brazil, an event that was captured by a security camera.

Around 6:15 a.m., the pair of criminals intercepted a 27-year-old girl. She resisted the assault and then a vigilante appeared to help her.

In the images recorded by a security camera, the man, who was not identified, can be seen fighting with the criminals and even throwing some “flying kicks” at them.

At the same time, the subjects tried to start the motorcycle to escape, but ended up giving up. One of them left limping and the other pushed the motorcycle on foot.

According to the police report, the victim had bruises on his face and knee.

The anonymous Vigilante remained firm and brave during the altercation, demonstrating incredible bravery when facing the motochoros to protect the young woman.

Although the criminals tried to assault the woman, they did not achieve their goal thanks to the intervention of this improvised hero.

The bravery and determination of the stranger left all witnesses impressed by his act of courage in the midst of adversity.  

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