Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Judicial events02 julio 2024 16:25

He ran over and killed a criminal who tried to steal his car.

The victim mistakenly believed that his partner had been kidnapped and chased the thieves, attacking one of those involved against a house.

A criminal died after being run over by a man who had been the victim of a violent assault in Puente Alto, Chile.

According to the police report, the incident occurred around 11:00 p.m. this Monday on Los Tijerales and Los Toros streets, where a couple was parked shopping.

At that moment, a group of individuals got out of a luxury vehicle and broke the victims' windows to rob them.

The woman who was in the vehicle fled, scared by the robbery, something that her partner did not witness. In fact, he thought that the aforementioned had been kidnapped.

It was then that the victim of the assault used his truck to chase the criminals, hitting one of the attackers who had escaped on foot.

Security cameras captured the exact moment of the incident, where the victim perceived the thief making a gesture as if he were going to take out a weapon, and rammed him into a house.

The Investigative Police are carrying out investigations to determine possible responsibilities.

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