Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Judicial events02 agosto 2024 18:51

Stalker throws explosives in front of his ex-girlfriend's pet store.

The victim reports that she has been persecuted and harassed for seven years.

A man threw an explosive device in front of his ex-girlfriend's pet store this Thursday morning (1st) in Frutal, in the Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil.

The owner of the establishment registered a police report, classified by the Military Police (PM) as harassment, damage due to the use of explosives and failure to comply with protective measures.

In addition to having a protection measure against the man, the victim is monitored by a patrol against domestic violence in the city.

She stated that she was a few meters from where the explosive fell and that she was not injured because she ran. The explosive destroyed a flowerpot that adorned the façade of the building. Civil Police experts collected remains of the explosive to analyze the material.

In a statement, the agency stated that it is investigating the case and that, so far, no one has been transferred to the police station. Therefore, the police continue to search for the suspect.