Hidden camera surprises woman pouring bleach into her husband's coffee
The intention behind the poisoning attempt was to collect money from her husband's life insurance.
Melody Feliciano Johnson, a 39-year-old Arizona woman, pleaded guilty in the attempted chlorine poisoning of her husband Roby Johnson, an active member of the US Air Force.
The news has generated commotion after it was revealed that the man installed cameras inside his home after assuming that something bad was happening.
The incident led to the arrest of Melody Feliciano Johnson after it was discovered that she had attempted to murder her spouse using bleach. The situation becomes even more shocking when you know that the couple still shared a residence, despite having started divorce proceedings.
Roby would have drunk an allegedly adulterated coffee, which made him sense that something strange was happening with the drink, while he and Mélody were traveling in Germany.
Roby used a pool chlorine test kit to find out if his coffee maker showed high levels of chlorine, and the result came back positive, according to court documents.
For this reason, he decided to place hidden video surveillance cameras in his home, which made it possible to discover the moment when his wife was trying to adulterate his drink.
After the facts were clarified, Melody Feliciano Johnson pleaded guilty to two charges related to food or drink poisoning.
The hearing in which the sentence will be handed down has been scheduled for May 10, where the punishment that the accused will face will be determined.
Melody could face up to four years in prison once the prosecution filed charges of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault and adding harmful substances to food, drinks and medicine, according to police reports.
The intention behind the events was to collect the money from her husband's life insurance.