Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Crimes14 junio 2024 12:35

75-year-old retiree takes justice into his own hands after neighbor's dog destroys his garden

He shot his neighbor to death and in a desperate attempt to take the grieving man's gun, the deceased's daughter, was also wounded.

In the Rostov region, a 75-year-old retired man was upset to see his neighbor's dog destroying her garden after breaking through a hole in the fence.

After trying to resolve the situation with his neighbor without success, the old man, enraged, took a rifle and decided to take justice into his own hands.

He shot his neighbor first, who died instantly, while in a desperate attempt to take the gun from the grieving man, the deceased's daughter, Alena, 42, was also injured.

Fortunately, a 13-year-old girl present in the house managed to escape the terrible scene.

After finishing off the victims, the man returned home, went to the garage and took his own life.

According to testimony from neighbors, the retiree had engaged in toxic and problematic behavior. The man had previously threatened his neighbors that he would kill their dog and then deal with them.

That fateful night he decided to kill the dog, but when he couldn't, he turned to the neighbors. It turned out that the weapon used in the crime was not registered.