Miguel A. GonzalezPor: Miguel A. Gonzalez
Crimes30 mayo 2024 09:43

He murders his ex-partner in the Santafé shopping center in Bogotá

After the attack, the attacker tried to take his own life but survived. He was arrested and taken to a nearby hospital

The woman murdered at the hands of her ex-partner was identified as Steffany Barranco Oquendo, 32 years old, when she was working at an Imusa store, in the C.C. Santafé, north of Bogotá.

According to the Metropolitan Police, the incident occurred on May 29, when the subject arrived at the store where the woman worked and argued heatedly with her, and then took out a sharp weapon with which he attacked her on multiple occasions. until causing death.

Major Viviana Alvarado said that the man after the events tried to take his life, being captured by the National Police and taken to a nearby medical center.

In a video captured inside the establishment and after the event, several customers are seen inside the Imusa store surrounding the woman who is lying on her back with blood on her chest, and the man sitting with blood on his face. .

Passersby shout "trash", "disgraceful", "you're going to die", while a security guard talks on the radio. Suddenly, another man kicks the alleged attacker in the head.

Until now, the police have not revealed the identity of the aggressor, they only indicate that it is Barranco Oquendo's ex-partner, which turns the crime into a femicide.

According to police records, this would be the second woman murdered in a shopping center in Bogotá in just over a year.

The crime has caused shock in the community and has revived the debate about gender violence in Colombia. The authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to the fight against feminicide and the protection of women's rights in the country.

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